Pocet referatov: 2684

Important for a business letter

Source of address
Quelle der Anschrift
We have seen your advertisement in

the latest edition of …(publication)
Wir haben Ihre Anzeige in der letzten
Ausgabe der … (Veröffentlichung) gesehen

We have been given your company’s address by the Chamber of

Commerce in …Wir erhielten die Anschrift Ihrer Firma von der Handelskammer in …
We have seen your (company’s) web site/ home page / advertisement on the Internet

Wir habe Ihre (die) Webseit

Augustus Caesar

The year 509 BC Rome finally became a Republic and thus started the Roman empire. As Rome rose to power they went through many wars and many conflicts between the plebeians and patricians. The republic was made out of 3 groups, the consuls which were 2 men elected from the senate, the senate which was made of 300 patricians, and the assembly made from plebeians. Many years later Rome started to reject the republic when it went into a series of civil wars. 3 men form the first triumvirate, Julius Caesar, Pompeii, and Crassus. Julius Caesar becam

Al Capone

Al Capone is America's best known gangster and the single greatest symbol of the collapse of law and order in the United States during the 1920s Prohibition era. Capone had a leading role in the illegal activities that lent Chicago its reputation as a lawless city.

Capone was born on January 17, 1899, in Brooklyn, New York. Baptized "Alphonsus Capone," he grew up in a rough neighborhood and was a member of two "kid gangs," the Brooklyn Rippers and the Forty Thieves Juniors. Although he was bright, Capone q


Whether it occurs in the home, at work, or many other places, human beings maintain relationships everywhere they go. People have different types of relationships. A person keeps a relationship with their mother, pastor, friend, and boss, but those relationships are all different. There are many different elements to analyze when discussing a relationship. Many factors are involved, such as amount of time spent, amount of intimacy, types of activities participated in, and dependability of the relationship.

The first type of relati

Evokovaná odpoveď

Zrakovo evokovaný potenciál (VEP) je bioelektrická odpoveď mozgu na podráždenie zrakových receptorov presne definovaným podnetom. VEP odráža činnosť štruktúr zrakových analyzátorov a môže slúžiť ako zdroj informácii o stave týchto štruktúr za fyziologických i patologických okolnosti. Kedže evokované po­tenciály majú na povrchu hlavy približne rovnakú alebo dokonca nižšiu amplitúdu ako nepretržite prebiehajúca základná elektro­encefalografická aktivita, nie sú okrem výnimíek (napríklad epi­lepsia m

Program výchovy a vzdelávania

Národný program výchovy a vzdelávania
Národný program výchovy a vzdelávania vznikol na základe verejnej diskusie k Návrhu koncepcie výchovy a vzdelávania projektu Milénium. Nadväzuje na programové vyhlásenie vlády SR z novembra 1998, materiály vzťahujúce sa k vývoju slovenského školstva za desaťročie od roku 1989 a zároveň využíva výsledky verejnej diskusie k Návrhu koncepcie rozvoja výchovy a vzdelávania v Slovenskej republike (projekt MILÉNIUM), na ktorej sa podieľala pedagogická i ostatná verejnos

Unbelievable story

(This story is not true. Any similarities to other people are just coincidences.)
It was a usual rainy day. There was raining outside and I was sitting in my bedroom and reading a very interesting book. Lights were on, because it was dark. Nobody except me was in the house.

Suddenly, the lights turned off. „Shit! “, I said and I started looking for a candle. The first thing I crashed into was my wardrobe, next I crashed into my table. Finally, I found the door. I opened it and I had forgotten that I was in the fi

The killer

It was a cold , dark night. The wind was blowing. John was driving his car , but he didn´t have much petrol. He was stopped and he was pushing a car on big hill. The dark building is on the hill. He walking to building. He was listening radio FM. He was knocking on door. He saw the dog barking by door. „Come in.“voice responded on window. He was scanning the window and in window was be his mother-in low. He was screaning and he wanted ran , but he trip over the dog. Mother –in-low was just laughing, because she was kill two birds with on

Wiliam Shakespeare - biography

William Shakespeare is considered to be the greatest of all dramatists all over the world. He was born on 23rd April 1564, at Stratford-upon-Avon in Henley Street as the oldest son of glove maker John Shakespeare and his wife Mary Arden. He had one sister and one brother. William attended the local grammar school. When he was 18, he married Anne Hathaway from a nearby village Shottery. She was eight years older when he and already pregnant. They had two daughters - Susan and Judith and a son Hamnet. Hamnet and Judith were twins, but Hamnet died

Multicultural Society

Many people are proud of saying that they are not resist but in reality they have never lived with people of a different colour next door. In world history there are many examples of excellent cooperation of people of different nationalities, differetn races or religious beliefts.

People are naturally divided according to the colour of their skin, the type of hair they have, the shape of their faces, etc. But we canot jedge people by these features and we have to try to bring people of deferent races together so that they live and

Health Care

Encyclopedias ofter a definition of medicine as any science or practice concerned with sickness and health. There are several types od medicine which can help us to beat illness. Classical medicine offers treatment with painkillers. It fights against illness and disease with drugs and surgery by which drugs and surgery by which doctors can save ilions of people.

On the other hand, taking a lot of medicine can destory other organs of your body, e. g. liver or kidneys. That is why many people prefer other kinds of treatment which ar

Hobbies, Free Time and Lifestyle

Leisure time can be defined as the time in which people do not have to work, time when they can fo whatever they like, it is time of entertainment and fun. If you ask people about their hobbies, some of them will tell you they cannot draw a line between their job and free time, for them their profession in their hobby and they are ready to spend nearly all their free time at work. Psychologists claim that i tis not good if you do not get enough relaxation and people whose hobby is different from their profession are much happier because they sw

The Biography of a Mouse

MICKEY MOUSE, Walt Disney's most famous character, made his screen debut on November 18, 1928, as star of the first sound cartoon, Steamboat Willie. Since his debut, Mickey Mouse has become an international personality whose success laid the financial foundation upon which Walt Disney built his creative organization. Besides being the personification of everything Disney, Mickey Mouse has become one of the most universal symbols of the Twentieth Century.

Mickey Mouse was born in Walt Disney's imagination early in

Travelling and tourism

I think, many people like travelling. Travelling takes up more time in our lives. An everyday form of travelling may be going shopping, commuting to school or visiting friends. There are two ways of travelling: one is using our own means of transport and the other is to rely on the public transportation services. People and goods can be transported by land, air or by water.
The main fact that speaks for water transport are the relatively small costs. That is why rivers, seas and oceans are continuously being filled with new cargo and pas

English speaking countries

There are many English speaking countries. Australia, USA, Great Britain, New Zea-land and Canada are the main. I would like to start with…
Australia is also called Down Under or Oz, but the official name is the Common-wealth of Australia. First European settlers were convicts who had been transported from Britain. Australia has a population of about sixteen and a half million people. In a country of over seven and a half million square kilometers - the sixth largest in the world- this is very small population. Over eighty per cent of

Music: TLC

January 1991- Music manager Pebbles seeks three women to form a hip-hop trio. She holds auditions in Atlanta, Georgia. She chooses three strangers, who will take the hip-hop world by storm. Tionne, T-Boz was raised in Des Moines, Iowa. She was born with sickle cell disease. The painful blood disease kept her bedridden throughout her childhood. Singing always made her feel better. Her disease gives her only a 50% chance of surviving to age 40. Chilli was raised in Atlanta, Georgia. She grew up never knowing her father. As a child, she fantasized

School systems

Children in Britain start school when they are five years old. They go to a primary school until they are eleven. Until 1965 children that reached the age of eleven had to pass an exam called Eleven Plus, which was actually an IQ test. After primary school at the age of eight children go to middle school and when they are nearly thirteen they start to attend com-prehensive secondary school. The pupils at secondary school usually have to wear school uni-form, which consist of trousers or skirt, white shirt, blazer and tie. In the morning they ha

Washington Irving: Biography

Washington Irving (1783- 1859)
Irving´s importance lies in his setting an example for others to follow. He steered American writers away from their provincial didacticism, using humor and wit. One of the first romanticists who reflected life of new US
-born in New York as a youngest of 11 children of a wealthy merchant, he studied law (lawyer at 23) but was more attracted by literature and already started to write.
-1804/1806 traveled to Europe (Holland, France, Italy) to restore his health and further his education where


There are 3 groups of puritans:
1)English Puritans- wanted to remove all catholic rituals from the church and they placed emphasize to Bible and sermons
2)Presbyterians- wanted to remove offices in the church which they did not find anywhere in the Bible, cancel all those offices with no example in Bible
3)Separatists- wanted to give all authority to congregations, not to Church, all decisions should make congregations themselves
Two important puritan colonies:
I.Pilgrims established in 1620 the Plymouth colon

Henry James, jr: Biography

Henry James was an American-born author (although he spent much time in Europe and became a British subject near the end of his life) and critic of the late 19th and early 20th century, known for novels, novellas and short stories based upon themes of consciousness.
•Henry James was born in New York. He was son of Henry James Sr. and brother of the philosopher and psychologist William James and diarist Alice James
•He received a remarkably cosmopolitan, eclectic education. The father desired his sons to be the citizens of the
