Multicultural Society

Many people are proud of saying that they are not resist but in reality they have never lived with people of a different colour next door. In world history there are many examples of excellent cooperation of people of different nationalities, differetn races or religious beliefts.

People are naturally divided according to the colour of their skin, the type of hair they have, the shape of their faces, etc. But we canot jedge people by these features and we have to try to bring people of deferent races together so that they live and work peacefully together. Many governments have passed a aw to promote racial integration in schools or at work and they support the integration of other ethnic groups into society.

New Yourk is as cosmopolitan as London but is not as mixed. Nationalities stay in their own areas, like the Russians in the Russian section, the Germans in the German section. Polish people settled down in a cosmopolitan district of Chicago.

They area of a city where many Chinese people live and where ou can find many Chinese shops and restaurants is called Chinatown. In cities sucha s San Francisco, New Your and London the Chinatown street sings are in Chinase as well as English.

People of different nationalities have different cultures. In some countries marriages are arranged and young peole have to marry partner chosen by their parents. In different religions deffrent approaches to lifestyle, marriages and equality betwen mena n d women are accepted. Mixed marriages are becoming more and more commoplace in many countries.

Since 1989 Slovakia has become a country open to people from other countries. Apart from Slovaks, the rettitory is inhabited by over half a milion Hungarians in the south of Slovakia, along with smaller groups like the Ruthenians in the east. One minority without a territory are the Romany. A rapidly rising birth rate among the Romany means an increasingly important issue in Slovak politics ana Slovakia is working hard to integrate them into society.

There are many benefits to a society which is truly multicultural. In enriches people offering them different experiences, different ideas, diffrent attitudes to life and supports tolerance and mutual understanding. There is no place for segregation which encourages racial tensions and hatred. Ethnic unrest between groups of people of different race, or with different customs, living in the same place, especially when one group is smaller than the over makes people figt and kill each other. A unified Europe, multicultural America and different integration processes support the idea of co-existence side by side, understanding each other´s customs and tradions, tolerating different atidudes, accepting different lifestyle, sharing our cultures to secure a happz and confident life for future generations.