Frontal:Adenohypophysa-contrls the function of the other glands in the body; somatotrophin-hormone of growth,disorders in production of somatotrophin-nanism,gigantism
Huind:Neurohypophysa-controls function of adenohypophysa,antidiuretic hormone(vasopresin)-releasing of H2O from the body; oxytocin-contraction of mysmetrium an releasing of milk
Pineal body:melatoninàcontrols sleeping,-controls physiological processes which are affected by time,thyroid gland:thyroxin-regulates metabolism,dev.of ne
Pin modul:prod.antibiot.,cell division>threat of cell,Hyphae,mycelium;mushroom:simbiosis with the roots of trees,+ simb,mutualism=mycorhisis,mycelium a-with cross walls b-cw+hole c-no cw;yeasts:unicellular,repr-budding,ferme ntatio
Species-group of org. with several features in common & can mate to produce fertile offsprings
Cell-basic functional & structural unit of living org. a)unicellural b)multicellural,animal c. common plant c.,vesicles nucleus(DNA) vacuoles,(lycosome,peroxysome) cytoplasm starch(gl.),gycogen cell membrane chloroplast,semipermeable mitochondri cell wall,cells- nerve-carry el. imp,RBC-carryO2,WBC-destroy,sensory-dete ct stimuli,epithelial-plants epidermal-protect body surface or organs,muscle-movement by contraction, glan
It is use of harmful or deadly chemical or biological agents as weapons of war. These agents can kill many people and are considered weapons of mass destruction. Chemical weapons are made up of poisonous chemical compounds, whereas biological weapons are living microorganisms. Toxin weapons contain poisonous chemical products of living organisms and are sometimes classified separately. Chemical and biological weapons can cause injury in several ways. Most cause injury or death when inhaled, and some cause injury through contact with skin or thr
History At the begining, when the sunshine was incidenting on the earth surface, it was impossible to breath atmosphere without the oxygen. But the oxygen which was releasing from the plants, has accumulated in the atmosphere. 2.5 mililards years ago was in atmosphere 1000 times less of oxygen like in the present. 500 milions year ago was in atmosphere equal amount of oxygen like in the present.
The subsequent evolution of the atmosphere has been dominated by biological processes. During the microbial stage, organisms were
In out lives we use substances called freoens. What are freons? Freons are colorless liquids or gases. They were used as coolants or pressurizers in spray can products, including drugs. In the 1970s, scientists discovered that these chemicals were destroying the earth's ozone layer. Freons are gases at normal room temperature, liquids when cooled or compressed. Spilled liquid freons do not remain at the spill state for more than a few minutes before they evaporate. If liquid freons leak into soil before evaporation, it can se
During the second millennium B.C. a group of people known as the Hittites, who spoke an Indo-European language, ruled over the 'Land of Hatti', on peninsula which on which is now Turkey. They ruled from the city of Hattusas near the modern Boghazkoy in northern central Turkey at 1900 B.C. Much of the Cappadocian plateau was under their control through kingdoms before 1800 B.C. and they enjoyed a thriving trade with the Assyrians. Around 1800 B.C. Anittas and his father Pitkhanas of Kussara destroyed several Hittite cities, including H
The underlying causes of World War I were the spirit of intense nationalism that spread over Europe throughout the 19th and into the 20th century, the political and economic rivalry among the nations, and the establishment and maintenance in Europe after 1871 of large number of weapons and of two hostile military alliances.
The first thing I want to mention is nationalism. The French Revolution and the Napoleonic era had spread throughout most of Europe the idea of political democracy, with the resulting idea that people of the sa
Cromwell was born at Huntingdon in central England, on April 25, 1599, in a minor branch of a once-prosperous family. In 1620 Cromwell married Elizabeth Bourchier, daughter of a prominent London merchant. Cromwell became an estate manager and an efficient tax collector. His fortunes grew, and by 1640 he was one of Ely’s wealthiest men.
It was during these years, when he became member of people not satisfied with the government of Charles I, who they believed he was ruling in an arbitrary manner and was not doing enough to suppre
During the Old Kingdom, Egyptian civilization really came of age. The power of Egypt expanded considerably through the four dynasties of the Old Kingdom. This was probably due in part to the increasing centralization of government and the creation of an efficient administrative system. The concept of kingship changed too, with greater emphasis being placed on the the divine nature of the office. The king was considered to the incarnation of Horus, and from the fifth dynasty, son of the sun god Re. At the same time, the advances begun in previou
The Black Death was one of the worst natural disasters in history. Between 1347 and 1351A.D., a great plague swept over Europe and ravaged cities causing widespread hysteria and death. It took more lifes than any other known epidemic before. One third of the population of Europe died. The primary culprits in transmitting this disease were Oriental Rat Fleas carried on the back of black rats.
How was the Black Death transmitted? The three forms of the Black Death were transmitted two ways. The septicemic and bubonic p
Soil erosion and conservation Main causes of soil erosion Removal of natural vegetation cover to leave the grounnd exposed to the elements; most serious- deforestationàin Ethiopia:heavy rains are no more inetrupted by vegetation, water has not enough time toinfiltrate the soil. If this water evaporates, a hard crust may form,making the surf.less porous.Or the heavy rain may accc. the leaching and remove nutriens and organic matter.
Ploughingàdeep ploughing destroy soil by breaking up peds and buryin
HISTORY Thermometer is instrument used to measure temperature. The most commonly used thermometer is the mercury-in-glass type, which consists of a uniform-diameter glass capillary that opens into a mercury-filled bulb at one end. If the temperature increases, the mercury expands and rises in the capillary. The temperature may then be read on an adjacent scale. Mercury is widely used for measuring ordinary temperatures.
The invention of the thermometer Is attributed to Galileo. But the modern alcohol and mercu
Our solar system began forming about 5 billion years ago, when a cloud of gas and dust between the stars in our Milky Way Galaxy began contracting. A nearby supernova—an exploding star—may have started the contraction, but most astronomers believe a random change in density in the cloud caused the contraction. Once the cloud—known as the solar nebula—began to contract, the contraction occurred faster and faster. The gravitational energy caused by this contraction heated the solar nebula. As the cloud became smaller, it began to spin fas
Introduction Factors of production are resources used in the production of goods and services in economics. Classical economics distinguishes between three factors of production:
Land or natural resources – naturally occurring goods such as soil and minerals that are used in the creation of products. The payment for land is rent.
Labor - human effort used in production which also includes technical and marketing expertise. The payment for labor is a wage.
Shopping is one of the most common daily activities. Every day we can see plenty of people, both men and women, in various shops. When we go shopping we can go either to a big department store or to a shop which specialises in some goods.
Working time differs in various types of shops. Grocer’s shops usually open at 7 o’clock, greengrocer’s, butcher’s, perfumery, drugstores and others about 8 o’clock, and bigger shops and departments stores open about 9 o’clock. There used to be a time when majority of shops was closed
From beginning of human evolution man was transforming the environment for his profit. Nobody cared what his activity do with environment and people continued with destruction of nature. Especially in 20th century nature suffered from development of industry and technology, then several ecological problems have appeared.
Ecological problems: Pollution Air pollution is the biggest problem in large cities and in areas with concentrated industrial production. Factories, power stations and motor vehicles pump large quant
Each people need relax. Mainly at the weekend we can see people how they go out from town and travel for relax to their houses on countryside or go out to some trips. The small childern travel with their parents to nature or cinema. Older childern we can see how plays some games such as football, basketball or ride on bikes. Young eople go out with their partner to walk to nature, cinema, pub, disco,…. People who are retired go out to walk to nature, doing some work on garden or stay at home and watching on TV.
The word renaissance means rebirth or revival, and the idea of such a rebirth had gained ground in italy ever since the time of Giotto.
Giotto had been exalted in this way as a master who had led to a true revival of art, by this, people meant that his art was as good as that of the famous masters whose og Greece and Rome.
The idea of a revival was closely connected in the minds of the Italians with the idea of rebirt of „the grandeer that was Rome“.
One of the most important factors in how people see each other is the clothes they wear. This is especially important to teenagers. Their clothes express the image they want to project. They might choose old jeans and a torn T-shirt or they might be very concerned with having the latest fashion. In my case, I prefer to dress simply. According to the temperature, I choose what to put on. Usually I like to wear a T-shirt and jeans. If it's colder outside I wear a sweater. In winter I wear a winter coat. In summer I like to wear light shorts