Jonáš Záborský Celé dielo tohto významného, ale, žiaľ, dlhší čas zaznávaného autora predstavuje prechod od klasicizmu cez romantizmus až po realizmus. Klasicistická je jeho poézia. Nasvedčuje tomu aj názov jeho básnickej zbierky Bájky. Bájka je síce literárny žáner, ktorý sa pestoval už v antickom grécku, ale svoj rozkvet dosiahla až v období klasicizmu, keď vo forme básní písali bájky takí autori ako Francúz Lafontaine a Rus Krylov. Formu bájky si Záborský zvoli preto, aby mohol prostredn
- vyrastal v rodine oravského sedliaka a od detstva si osvojoval nazeranie a myslenie prostého dedinského človeka
- dôkladne poznal všednú i sviatočnú tvár života na slovenskej dedine
V protiklade s Vajanským zachytil v poviedke KEĎ BÁČIK Z CHOCHOĽOVA UMRIE úpadok zemianstva i jeho neschopnosť zasahovať do osudov vlastných i do osudov národa. Dej poviedky je pomerne chudobný.
Stonhenge is the podest historical monument in British Isles. It is prehistonic complex standing in Salizbury playins in South England. It is regarded as one of the most important monument of it`s kind in Europ and in the world. The great circle of standing stones is belived purpoces. The complex has becoming known for the annual assembly at meet summer Oxbridge: ox – Oxford Bridge – Camebridge It is common name of the most popular Universities in Oxford and Camebredge. Both Universities were founded in the 13. century
Actress. Born Greta Louisa Gustafsson (professionally known as Greta Garbo), on September 18, 1905, in Stockholm, Sweden. Garbo was one of three children who became a legendary actress and one of the most fascinating women of all time. Despite her beauty, she was somewhat reclusive and photophobic. Garbo was a stage-struck girl of 14 when her job as a clerk in a department store led to photographic modeling for her employer's catalog. This in turn brought parts in two short advertising films and, at 16, a bathing beauty role in E.A. Petsch
Narodil sa 20. jula 1936 v Senici v uradnickej rodine. Do zakladnej skoly chodil v rodisku, v Ladcoch a v Novych Zamkoch. Na Gymnaziu v Novych Zamkoch roku 1954 aj zmaturoval. Potom studoval na FF UK v Bratislave slovencinu a rustinu. Studium ukoncil roku 1959. Najskor pracoval ako redaktor mesacnika Mlada tvorba, potom na Slovenskom ustredi kniznej kultury v redakciach casopisov Knizna kultura a Universum. Ucil na Gymnaziu v Dunajskej Strede, potom bol pracovnikom Obvodneho kulturneho a spolocenskeho strediska
Narodil sa 12. januara 1920 v Malej Lodine v rodine zeleznicneho robotnika. Ludovu skolu vychodil vo Velkej Lodine, potom studoval na Gymnaziu v Kosiciach, po zabrati mesta horthyovskym rezimom zmaturoval roku 1939 na Gymnaziu v Presove. V rokoch 19391942 studoval slovencinu a filozofiu na FF UK v Bratislave, studia nedokoncil, pretoze ho odvelili na vychodny a neskor na taliansky front. Po vojne sa stal redaktorom Spolku sv. Vojtecha v Trnave. Redigoval viacere jeho edicie, samostatne publikacie a casopisy. Od
Člověk, kterého chci v následující stránce charakterizovat, má příjemně a mile vyhlížející oválný obličej, modré oči a světlé kratší vlasy. Na první pohled prostě nevýrazný člověk, který na sebe asi ničím neupoutává pozornost okolí. Může se zdát, že není ničím výjimečný, ale přitom si musíme položit otázku, proč se nesnaží nějak zviditelnit? Většina lidí, včetně mě, chce a touží po tom, aby je bylo vidět a taky slyšet. Prostě zapadnout do té masy lidí, kteří mají oblečení a
1) Představení 2) -Vzhled -Povahové vlastnosti 3) Vztah k Janě
Jana je moje starší sestřenice, se kterou jsem toho hodně prožil; dobře ji znám, a proto jsem se ji rozhodl charakterizovat. Je jí 18 let a navštěvuje obchodní akademii, kterou, jak všichni, kdo jí známe, doufáme, zakončí příští rok maturitní zkouškou.
Její postava při výšce 175 cm je velmi štíhlá. Na obličeji jsou nejvýraznější velké, tmavě zelené oči
We get 90% of information about our surroundings by eyes. Here the information is processed creating all the images that you can see. The eyeball is a slightly bulging sphere. Only the iris, the pupil, and the cornea are actually visible. The rest of the eyeball is set inside the skull.
The eyeball is a fluid-filled sphere with a tough outer coating called the sclera. Sclera or sclerotic coat. The ´white´ of the eye. Tough, fibrous and opaque, with blood vessels. The front part of the sclera,
One of the definitions of addictions says that an addiction is a condition of being habitually or compulsively occupied with or involved in something. Addictions can be healthy, unhealthy, or a mixture of both. If you are fascinated by a hobby, feel devoted to it, would like to spend as much time as possible pursuing it - this could be an outlet for learning, creativity, and self-expression. Even in some unhealthy addictions you can find these positive features. But in truly pathological addictions, the bad outweighs the good, resulting in seri
Human beings use their language (system of sounds, words, patterns,...) to communicate thoughts and feelings. On the other hand, we also use systems of signs, symbols, gestures for conveying information. Music can be the universal language, we can understand the language of flowers. Like all animals, we have a complex body language of gestures, postures and facial expressions. Our bodies are constantly talking. We smile, frown or make different gestures, shapes with our hands.
Plot Overview Old Major, a prize-winning boar, gathers the animals of the Manor Farm for a meeting in the big barn. He tells them of a dream he has had in which all animals live together with no human beings to oppress or control them. He tells the animals that they must work toward such a paradise and teaches them a song called “Beasts of England,” in which his dream vision is lyrically described. The animals greet Major’s vision with great enthusiasm. When he dies only three nights after the meeting, three younger pigs—Snowball
My name is Blanka Kurková and I have one brother, mother and stepfather. I have been studying Grammar school in Hodonín. I was born on 12th May 1978. I am quite tall and not fat. I have brown hair, round face with brown eyes and small nose. I was wearing glasses but I was on operation, so I don’t need them now. When I was a child, I was very cheeky and naughty.
On primary schools I used to bring home notes from my teacher: “She fights on pauses.” “She broke the window. Come and repair it,
Film director. Born August 13, 1899, in London, England. The son of William Hitchcock, a grocer, and his wife Emma, Hitchcock studied engineering at St. Ignatius College, a Jesuit school in London, and later took art courses at the University of London. In 1920, after briefly working as a technician at a cable company and in the advertising department of a department store, he was hired as a draftsman for a London film studio. Hitchcock moved quickly up the ranks from scriptwriter to art director to assistant director. He directed his first fil
If you are on holiday and spend it by a sea, it’s a pleasure for you to go on a voyage. All you have to do is to book the tickets in advance. Of course, you want a separate cabin for your family, and you ask for a first-class cabin with three berths to be reserved for your family. On the day of your departure all your family come to the quay because the ship you want to take is moored there. The passengers go up the gangway onto the deck; they try to find their cabins. Some cabins are aft, some are forward or amidships. After finding your cab
I thought that I would use this opportunity to contrast the differences between common services that are provided to the paying customer in the United States and in Europe, and show why I prefer the services in the United States over the services in Europe.
One of the first things that anyone does when they move into a new apartment is call the telephone company to get service. After all, it’s very difficult to do anything without a telephone. In Boston, it took roughly a half hour conver
Part 1: Introduction Every day and everywhere we can see a lot of advertisements. Their aim is to persuade the people to buy products and services and inform them about their features. In this project I have analysed the use of the promotional tools in the travel agency Aquamarin. The manager of this travel agency – Ms. Eva Samborska provided me the information during a personal interview. The travel agency – AQUAMARIN The travel agency was founded in 1995. The owner of the Aquamarin is Mgr. Eva Samborska. The travel ag
Everyone has a few places which he or she would like to visit once in the life. For someone it is China, Tibet, Egypt, Hawaii and so on. I also have some dream places which I would like to see once in my life. Greece, Switzerland, New Zealand, GB and the USA belong amoung these countries. Most of all I`d like to visit the country of 'an American dream'. I would like to see this country full of contrasts with all its beauty and graceless.
If I come to the USA I would like to see New York. Because this 'Big Apple'